Lankford on CBS: We Have the Highest Number of Illegal Border Crossers Ever. We Must Secure Our Border.


View part one of the video here.

View part two of the video here.

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Senator James Lankford (R-OK), lead Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Government Operations and Border Management, joined Face the Nation on CBS to discuss his ongoing talks to secure the US-Mexico border, which on Tuesday saw 12,080 individuals cross into the US, the highest number of illegal border crossers in one day we’ve ever seen. Lankford has been clear: Congress must address the national security concerns at the US-Mexico border while assisting Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan.


Brennan: We’re seeing in our polling this is a top issue for Americans. The President would be incentivized here. What you’re talking about is policy changes and the linkage to Ukraine; the President says if they don’t get the funding now it will kneecap Ukraine on the battlefield. Can you get Ukraine aid passed separate from this?

Lankford: No. No. The focus is—we hear from so many why would we deal with other people’s national security and ignore America’s national security. Why would we allow people to cross our southern border? This administration labels national security risks by the thousands coming into the country, separate from just the migrants, that are coming for employment. We have individuals they’ve labeled national security risks, coming into the country. Why would we not work to stop that? We can do two things at once. We’re the United States of America. These negotiations have been going on for months. We’ve come a long ways and time to make a decision and do what we can to help the nation. We can’t do everything on the border, but we can do the things to actually begin to control the border so that the United States is in control of our boundaries, not the cartels.

