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Senator Lankford Reacts To President’s Gun Control Push

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK — Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today released the following statement in response to the president’s executive actions on gun control.

“All Americans, Republicans and Democrats alike, are broken-hearted by senseless acts of violence, especially towards children. As we grieve for those who are affected by violence, we must evaluate the root causes that lead to violence, like broken families, mental health, drug use and a culture that glorifies violence. Just like the 23 executive actions on guns the President released in 2013, the latest round of executive actions generally misses the root causes of violence in our culture.

“Law-abiding Americans have a constitutionally-protected right that has been upheld by the Highest Court in the land for decades. A President who aggressively demeans the rights of law abiding citizens fails to achieve real policy goals, and actually increases the sales of guns and ammunition since people are rightfully concerned about the future of their Second Amendment rights. The Second Amendment has not changed.” 

