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VIDEO: Senator Lankford Joins Freshman Senators in Slamming Obamacare on Five-Year Anniversary

WASHINGTON, DC— Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today held a press conference on the five-year anniversary of Obamacare with fellow freshman Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR), Cory Gardner (R-CO), Steve Daines (R-MT), Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), and Mike Rounds (R-SD). The Senators discussed the importance of responsibly balancing the federal budget and providing relief to the American people by repealing and replacing Obamacare.


“This is not only the five-year birthday of Obamacare, it’s also – many of you may or may not know – this is the ten-year birthday for a plan called Insure Oklahoma.”

“…Ten years ago, Oklahoma launched a plan called Insure Oklahoma. That plan was in the process of being rolled out. It was very popular, and very well-received across the state, until five years ago when Obamacare stopped it – and then it began to roll back all the provisions. The individuals that were within Insure Oklahoma have lost that option now. We have waivers, temporarily for some of those that are in the business market, but with the assurance that someday that will go away, as well. This is the reality of what happens with Obamacare. People really do lose coverage. People really do struggle through these issues, and it affects real Americans.”

“The statement of ‘if you like your health care, you can keep it’ was not true for those that were on Insure Oklahoma, which liked their state-provided plan, and it’s not true for individuals that wanted to be able to keep the plan that they had before.”


For photos of Senator Lankford at the press conference, click here. For the video of his remarks, click here.
