
If you were impacted by storms on April 27 or May 6, CLICK HERE to find resources available for recovery.

Lankford Opposes President Biden’s Pick to Lead Interior

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today opposed the nomination of Representative Debra Haaland (D-NM) to serve as the Secretary of the Interior, which was considered by the full Senate. Lankford questioned Haaland during a two-part hearing in February and noted her legislative record and testimony demonstrated her commitment to an unrealistic energy reality. 

“Oklahomans need an Interior Secretary that will support an all-of-the-above energy strategy and ensure we have reliable base power on the coldest days and the hottest days. During a two-part hearing, I asked Representative Haaland multiple questions relating to oil and gas leasing and permitting issues on federal lands, challenges with Oklahoma’s energy during extreme weather last month, and following the science to declassify the American Burying Beetle as an endangered species. Her non-committal answers and record does not show a commitment to ensuring we have the power we need to fuel our homes and clean air, water, and land. I could not support her confirmation today.”  

